Family Court systems address an array of family matters, with an aim to protect and safeguard all family members – particularly children – and ensure their well-being.

Family Court cases often involve modification or enforcement of prior agreements and orders issued by the court, such as custody/visitation arrangements as well as spousal/child support orders.

It is a safe place for children

Family Court offers legal support to children, families and victims of domestic violence or stalking. Specialized judges specialize in this area of law and understand the emotional repercussions associated with family matters that come before them.

Courts may grant orders of protection against violent partners. This can help if you or your children have been the target of abuse from this person; filing an order of protection in Family or Supreme Court does not require legal representation to obtain.

Family Court Division also handles juvenile delinquency prosecution and work permit approval for those under 18. It operates citywide 365 days per year to protect children while helping those who have committed offenses rehabilitate themselves; staff work together with community-based agencies to ensure abused or at-risk juveniles receive adequate services.

It is a place for communication

Family court is a special court that handles legal problems related to family matters, such as visitation (formerly parenting time) and child custody disputes, spousal support issues, paternity determination cases, non-criminal orders of protection applications, adoption proceedings and cases involving abuse and neglect or juvenile delinquency.

So that the judge has all of the information required, it is vitally important that during court appearances you communicate clearly. This means speaking in an approachable, informative way while keeping emotions out of discussions.

Self-represented individuals can make themselves more persuasive by employing legal terminology and citing applicable statutes. Furthermore, having legal aid workers or experienced attorneys review your case before presenting it to a judge may also help. Modern Law offers an affordable program called “Win Without Law School” that may assist those representing themselves. For more information or packages for divorce and custody cases please click here.

It is a place for justice

Family court judges must make difficult decisions concerning some of the most sensitive and personal matters brought before them, often concerning young children and family relationships. Their decisions can have lasting effects, either positive or negative, upon these children and those around them.

The court offers various services and resources to help families resolve their conflicts outside the courtroom, such as counseling services and referrals to community resources. Furthermore, mediation provides a process in which a neutral third party helps parties reach an agreeable resolution through negotiations between themselves.

People involved in proceedings such as contested custody matters or orders of protection can qualify for free legal representation. Anyone interested should immediately reach out to their judge or referee assigned for their case in order to secure one and work closely with their lawyer to present your case effectively. It is essential that both you and your lawyer work together so as to create the best presentation of it possible.

It is a place for change

Lawyers can assist in navigating the family court system with ease, from filling out paperwork to attending court appearances and preparing for trial. Furthermore, a legal professional may help with custody and visitation issues – should you not have the resources for one themselves, they may appoint one for you by the court.

New York City’s family courts are beleaguered by high caseloads and an inefficient system, failing to protect children from abusive parents and neglectful families. Advocates are calling for reforms such as mandating that judges investigate allegations of domestic violence or child abuse.

Family court stories can be heartbreaking. Examples include a mother sending pictures of herself choking their baby to her husband and a father trying to protect his daughters from their mother with mental illness. Unfortunately, these situations keep occurring due to our justice system’s inherent racial and class biases.